Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Joker Taxonomy

Before I dive into how my joker collection (and this website) is organized, I'll list some of my articles of broad interest (to those interested in cards and jokers)  updated November 2023.

Now, onto the main event: How should a collection of jokers be organized?  I tried alphabetical but they all start with J... I spoke to other card collectors: They organize their cards first by country, then by the manufacturer, then by date.  I think their systems are marvelous but they couldn't possibly work for me since I can't remember nearly enough to work that way. I need an organizational system where I could look at a joker and  know where it belongs without having encyclopedic knowledge of cards and publishers in my brain. So I've developed a system: It is visual and intuitive.

Ten sections: animals, art, entertainment / cartoons, real people,  jesters, musical, travel, ads,  topsy turvy, and Christmas. Most sections have subsections. Some subsections have sub-subsections. When a joker could be put in two or more places, I have rules for which rules takes precedence.

For example, a joker with Mickey Mouse could be treated as an animal joker or a cartoon joker. The rule is that if it is a recognizable character with a name, it counts as a cartoon character, not as an animal.  The rules are listed at the bottom of this article. They are of course evolving.

Today (Jan 2021) the  count is 7,456 😏 and growing.  All the sections are on the website but most are not current. I update my collection daily and my website much less often.  Here is the index  with links to the sub-categories and sub-sub-categories (text in bold italics are clickable links). Below that, I comment on what I like about my system, the rules,  and about where it needs to be improved. I enjoy comments: don’t be shy. 
  1. Animal Jokers -
    1. Ensemble Animal combinations (cats AND dogs)
    Animals: Flyers - Bee Boy
    Animals: Flyers - Bee Boy
    1. Cats  or  Dogs . Felines, Canines. And a big cat subsection! 
    2. Flyers:  BirdsOwlsBees,  Butterflies  & Dragons . With a rooster & chicken subsubsection!
    3. Horses , zebras, donkeys, giraffes. Equestrian!
      1. Fantasy horses: centaurs, unicorns, Pegasuses
    4. Monkeys, bears, and other sapiens (yes, missing links jokers go here).  Panda Bears are a subsection.
    5. Animals with antlers, horns, and tusks
    6. Varmints - the small wild animals
    7. Reptiles, amphibians, sea creatures, shell fish, and others  
  2. Art and Artsy Jokers
    1.  Art: Traditional art  (ie, there was a canvas or drawing to start with). Digital art
    2. flowers, fruit, mermaids
    3. Card-themed Jokers with People (YES, this is intentional), Card themed with cards. 
    4. Mystical, deathly, and devils. Pirates too. There's a new subsection: Skulls!
    5. Masks. Three subsections:   My Masked and Theatrical Jokers.  Archaeological masks,  Topsy Turvy Masks
    6. Bicycle - Unicycle
      Bicycle - Unicycle
      Statues and Sculptures 
  3. Entertainment Jokers: Animated
    1. Cartoons: Classic, NeoClassic, Modern/ Diverse / Foreign
    2. SuperHeros  , Cartoon Heroes
    3. Speciality: Peanuts, Betty Boop, Alice In Wonderland  
    4. Anime Japanese Jokers
    5. Non animated
      1. Harry Potter Entertainment: 
      2. Star Wars, Star Trek
  4. Real People
    1.  Politicians: American European and Rest of World.   American historical figures etc aren't with the contemporary politicians). 
    2. Movie Stars
    3. Musicians. There's an Elvis section.
    4. Comedians -TV Personalities Commentators
    5. Historical and contemporary American. (There's also an Americana symbols section)
      1.  American people
      2. Cowboys
      3. Native Americans
      4. People of Color (not all American)
    6. International:   People of ColorOld Europeans with names, Great Artists, Writers, and Composers,  Old European stereotypes
    7. Plain people men jokers (not celebrities), Women
    8. Pin Up Girlie Glamour Jokers (ie erotica and porn) is split into bikini girls (the essentials covered), illustrations old fashionedAsian, and harder core.
    9. Sports Jokers: Golf, Baseball, Football (American), 
  5. Jester Jokers (not real people or celebrities)
    1.  Dancing Jokers  are split into 
      1. Dancing jokers with Wands who dance in one of three directions: 
        1.  To the Right
        2.  Straight ahead 
        3.  To the Left
    2.  Performers with cards or without cards 
    3. Juggling things 
      Juggling Jesters
    4. Scatterman - The Cartamundi jester
    5. Sitting Jokers. It depends on how they are sitting...
      1. SidewaysCrescent moons, Bird/Owl Man, Sideways
      2. Forward: Sitting Facing Forward or Cross Legged
    6. JestersStanding jesters with WandsWalking Jesters with WandsNO WAND (standing still or walking)
    7. Head shots or busts 
      1. Jesters on a Stick or Jack in the Boxes 
      2. Heads Only  
        1.   Heads of Jesters but no hands   
        2. Heads, not of Jesters, but no hands 
        3. Hats  
      3. Heads WITH Hands  ...  
        1.  NOT holding Cards or Wands 
        2. Holding Cards   
        3. Holding Wands
    8. Fighters! ie Jokers with swords, guns, wrestlers etc
    9. Clown Jokers  
    10. Jokers, not jesters, standing (or walking) 
  6. Musical Jokers - Note real musicians are in the real people section.
    1. Stringed Instruments 
    2. Wind Instruments sans flutes  (the flute players split into their own section)
    3. Percussion including piano.
    4. Musical Ensembles (to keep joker sets together)
  7. Travel Jokers (outdated post from 2017)
    1. Vehicles. This section is split into: 
      1. Vehicles: SeaFlying (translations were here), Trains, Cars & Motorcycles 
      2. Bicycle Jokers, Skater JokersUnicycle Jokers  
    2. American places and Americana,  
      1. Americana (ie American Symbols)
      2. Congress Jokers (of the Capitol) 
      3. American Scenery Jokers
    3. Non US Places
    4. Maps and Translations
    5. Old Europeans with names, Old European stereotypes
    6. Chinese Jokers - Acquired Collection, Collected
  8. Advertisements: 
    1. Casinos 
    2. Cigarettes,  Liquor, Beer, Text jokers for drinks 
    3. Desserts and Candy 
    4. Coca Cola Jokers      
    5. Cars 
    6. Public Interest Messages, space science and technology
    7. Logo type jokersGeometric Designs Jokers featuring "Joker" 
    8. Ads         Text based jokers
    9. Jokers promoting playing cards , Ads for brands of playing cards
  9. Topsy Turvy - Two headed jokers take precedence over other criteria for organi
    zing so this section is large and has subsections that mirror the overall organization:
    1. Animals
    2. Card Themed  
    3. Musician  
    4. Ladies & Masks  
    5. Jesters and clowns  - Western Topsy Subsection
    6. People  
    7. Things  
  10. Christmas Jokers with angels and cherubs.  
    1. Santa Claus Christmas Winter  (needs updating)
    2. Coca Cola Santa Claus (needs updating)
    3. Cherubs and Angels 
  11. Large, small, and weird-shaped jokers 
      Thoughts? Comments? Here's one: I start by saying that I have ten groupings but my list goes to 11. So it's still a work in progress. For instance, two sections that I'd like to revisit and perhaps fold in: Christmas and Odd Shaped.
      Rules: Let me clarify my rules for organizing (I'm still getting this codified):
      1. Two headed is a dominant rule. If it's an animal or a travel or cartoon but it's two headed, it goes in the two headed or topsy section.  This means the topsy section is huge and has subsections that start to reflect the overall collection. That's fine.
      2. Cartoon animals whose name we know go in the cartoon section. This is to make sure that Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, and Garfield are recognized as the characters that they are, not as just rodents, dogs, and cats.
      3. Americana and real known people are dominant categories So the Statue of Liberty goes to Americana, not to statues.  A picture of George Washington from the waist up goes in Americans, not in busts and heads.  A picture of an actor's head goes in people / actors, not heads.
      4. Having just the head or just from the waist up is another dominant characteristic. So clown heads goes in heads, not in clowns.
      5. Clowns is dominant over heads and busts but not dominant over unicycling. 
      6. Jesters are first characterized but what they are doing, then by what they have. This means that the first distinction is between standing, dancing, performing, or sitting. Then, whether or not they have jester wands or are performing with cards. 
      7. Jokers from the same deck are never split up. This means that if they pictures should be in different categories, then one is going to ride along because nepotism trumps visual consistency.  
      8. Rules about pages.  I explain my efforts to organize the pages in my article about jokers with statues and sculptures. The keep pairs together makes some pages look fine.
      9. Troubling areas: 
        1. The Little Mermaid. What to do with the statue of the little mermaid. It wants to be a statue, it could go with the mermaids, and it  obviously fits in the travel section. It's in the mermaid section. Why? What's the rule?
        2. Travel. There are so many scenery and tourist sites. Organize by geography? Rural vs urban vs water vs church? Why and how?

      Strengths and Weaknesses of my system.

      It basically works for me despite my weak memory. My goal is to know at a glance where to look for a joker. And at the start of that section, to have a simple guide to the subsections within that section. So for instance, I can remember that "sitting" is a category but when I get to the sitting section (both online and in the albums), there's info there to guide me thru the subsections (which I tend to forget). For example, take a look at sitting:

        1. SidewaysCrescent moonsBird/Owl ManSideways
        2. Forward: Sitting Facing Forward or Cross Legged
       Are you interested in using my organizational system? Please do. It is available for free use with attribution.  Specifically, consider it to be available under a Creative Commons CC BY license.This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. No registration or permissions required. But please do remember to attribute. And I'd appreciate knowing about it.

       There are problems in the system so I keep making refinements. Current issues include:
      - Christmas jokers as a top level category:  It's just too small even when split into Santa Claus, Winter, and Cherubs/Angels. Maybe it should become a cartoon subsection?
      - The art category is stretched a little too much. It includes masks, deathly spirits, and mermaids. That is definitely my quirkiness since it makes perfect sense to me but is maybe not "industry standard".  And should mermaids be in the animal section? Perhaps closer to dragons (in birds/flyers / animals) and fantasy horses (centaurs, flying horses, and unicorns) which is the equestrian / animals section.
      - The distinctions can be a little confusing between jesters standing, walking, dancing, performing, or juggling. 
      - Clowns as a subset of jesters, this bothers me.
      All my rules of dominance were unrecorded, until I started writing them 4-27-2021. It will take awhile to make explicit all the rules. Will I ever be able to eliminate all the conflicting or contradictory or ambiguous situations?
      - Performers with cards versus jokers about cards. I have one category of jokers about cards which I really love. But I can't really explain the rule about when a joker goes into jokers about cards versus when it goes into the performers with cards section.
      - My cartoon section is now enormous. Plus, I'm not that familiar with many modern cartoons so I could use help getting them sorted.
      The logic of the categories and subcategories are still a little unrelated to the physical albums. I could color code my albums by section but right now, the categories sometimes stretch across many albums, sometimes fit into one. If you are curious about what my collection physically looks like, the most recent pictures are here where I discuss the joker hobby.
      - New Subsections are always trying to emerge from jokers grouped together on a page or across several pages. For instance, inside the cat jokers section, there's now a Big Cat section beginning to appear and which soon could get its own proper subsection.
      - Duplicates. I'm not set up for trading. I'm trying to fix this. Right now, my extras or dupes just go into the same sleeve in the album. When there are too many, I start a box of duplicates. Here's my current effort to get organized for trading.
      - Alternate organizations are possible. For instance, I recently looked at how my jokers that are about playing cards can be found as subsections within many different sections. I suppose I could have made jokers about cards as a top level category. Here's the inventory:  
          Artsy cards which feature playing cards - Art section
          Card trick  performing subsection. Jesters Section, Performing sub section,  
          Juggling things, including cards or pips -  Jesters Section, Performing sub section,  
          Scatterman - Jokers scattering cards -  Jesters Section, Performing sub section,  
          Jokers Promoting more card playing Advertising section
          Ads for Brands of Playing Cards Advertising section
          Head Shots holding cards - Jesters Section, Heads and Busts subsection, With Hands subsubsection
          Card Themed Full Duplex ie Topsy Turvy Cards - Topsy Turvy Section, Cards subsection
      - Keeping information on this website current with the albums is a problem. I don't have a comprehensive record keeping system about my jokers, how I acquired them, and what is know about the deck.  

      Laherte Guerra just proposed a different organizing concept with Ethnic/folklore, cartoon characters, and mythology.  It’s a solid concept .

      Here’s an article from March 2017 which is when I first articulated an overall system for categorizing joker cards. 

      Enjoy BrowsingOther hobbies? Yes:

      Friday, December 13, 2019

      Real People: Actors

      These jokers are real people but not comedians, musicians (including Elvis), politicians, sports figures, pin up erotic jokers, or ordinary people, they have their own sections (long ago, there was just the real people section).

      Marilyn Monroe Jokers
      Marilyn Monroe Jokers

      The backs of Marilyn Monroe Jokers
      The backs of Marilyn Monroe Jokers
      Astute readers will notice that this MM joker was in backwards in the photographs of full pages below:

      Back of the joker, Frontal of the diva

      Real People, Actor Jokers. Mostly Actresses
      Real People, Actor Jokers. Mostly Actresses

      The Backs of the Real People Actor Jokers

      What to look at next? Let me suggest: 
      Comedians - waiting to be photoed
      Musicians (including Elvis), 
      Ordinary people, - waiting to be photoed
      (long ago, there was just the real people section).