This post is obsolete. Here's the updated page on American Political Jokers. here's the one on Non-US Political Figures and Political Commentators.
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Jokers with political figures on them is a section inside the Real People part of the joker collection. It starts with a George Bush Jr as the joker.
George Bush Junior Joker |
Here's a page with eight different George Bush Juniors on it plus one Bill Clinton because they are from the same deck and belong together.
Here's Al Franken and then Ted Kennedy.
Here's a mix of US and foreign politicians as jokers. It's Al Gore in the top row, George McGovern in the middle of hte middle row, and UK"s Margaret Thatcher in the middle of the bottom row.
Before we leave US presidents, here's the joker from a deck published by Alfabet, Inc. and made by United States Playing Card Co. c.1972, called “The President’s Deck,” featuring Richard Nixon (Kings), Pat Nixon (Queens), Spiro Agnew (Jacks), and Hubert Humphrey and George Wallace (Jokers). The Joker Poster from the US Museum of Playing Cards has one of the jokers on it. Dawson, The Hochman Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards, p.229, P13; Fournier, Playing Cards, North America 232. This joker is George Wallace.
The other joker from this deck has Hubert Humphrey on a hobby horse. Here's a picture of it (with three others) when I had him in the horse section of the collection.
I'm still having trouble identifying some fo these people, Take a look at this page with all its questions: Questions about some real people jokers.
This post needs updating. I’ll do it soon. The photography is awful, the typing is sloppy, and the old messy organization is now much improved. Come back soon.