Friday, August 21, 2020

Performing Jesters with Cards

 These showman use a number of props but the acid test to be here is they are using cards.  They seem to mostly be from Europe, Belgium and Dutch.  There is another article about performing without playing cards (there's a complete different section if they are dancing or if they are juggling with cards or juggling without cards).

These card shows are being assisted, perhaps performed, by the monkeys.

Here are 51 jokers in ensembles.

Here are some related jokers that you really must see:

  1. Dancing with or without jesters wands 
  2. Performing with cards or without cards (old post on performers)
  3. Juggling things 
    Juggling Jesters
  4. Juggling cards  
    1. Scatterman variations
  5. Sitting - Forward vs Sideways
  6. Standing Jesters 
  7. Head Shots or BustsOn a stickheadshands no wandhand with a wand  
  8. Fighters! ie Jokers with swords, etc
  9. Clown Jokers 

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Thanks for your input and for reading and thinking about jokers.