Saturday, December 12, 2020

Small, Large, Round, and Odd Shaped Jokers

 Here are the freaky sized jokers, not organized. I'm not sure if they should be a separate section or integrated through-out. Some are small, others are smaller, some smallest. There are also odd shaped plus, large, larger, and largest.  As part of a Facebook question, I created this picture, a staircase of different sized jokers.  The ARRCO jester in the middle is normal sized.

Different Sized Jokers -Number 8 is a normal sized one

In some of these photos, like this first one, I put in a US quarter as a size reference to give a sense of scale. (If I do this again, I'll always put the ARRCO normal-sized joker in the picture for reference).

These next ones are small too but, since I neglected to put in a quarter, you'll have to take my word for it. Some of them are very small. I believe the tiny one that is the the second one in the second row is the same joker as in staircase at the top of this article as the smallest joker that I have (BTW, I do have even tinier decks but I don't think their joker has made it into this deck).

Here's another picture of small jokers. Again without a visual point of reference.
More small ones, this time with the quarter and a normal sized card for reference.

Here's some weird shaped cards.

Here’s a zig zag shaped joker who I keep in the heads section. He’s one of the ones on the US Playing Card Museum’s poster of jokers.

Here's some enormous ones.  There's a normal sized card and a quarter for reference.

Here's an awkwardly bad picture which I need to retake. It's moreLARGE jokers. There is the back of a normal size card shown in the middle for reference.

More large jokers again with the back of a normal size card shown for reference.

Here's some small jokers in pages with a US quarter shown for a size reference.


Small cards in an album where I put them decades and decades ago.

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Thanks for your input and for reading and thinking about jokers.