Inside the animal section, there is a section - called the ape sub section - with jokers with monkeys, apes, and bears. It has about 90 different jokers. Most of it is not yet online, here is the last posting about the ape jokers (from 2019).
One type of bear from this section that has caught my eye and fired my imagination: the Pandas! So I’m writing this call out article about them. Here’s a few panda jokers.
And here is my whole collection of pandas, all together. So far, 13 panda bear jokers.
There is one deck in particular which is so so so rich with Pandas that I think it merits a call out. First of all, the artwork on each of the 54 cards is unique. Here for instance are a bunch of the cards.
If you look closely and have a sharp eye, you'll realize that each card features a different panda bear. And, if you look closely at the bottom of the card and know how to read Chinese, you'll see that the card gives the name of each panda bear, its mother, its father, and their birthday. Here's a closeup of two.- Ensemble Animal combinations (cats AND dogs)
Animals: Flyers - Bee Boy |
- Cats or Dogs . Felines, Canines. And a big cat subsection!
- Flyers: Birds, Owls, Bees, Butterflies & Dragons . With a rooster & chicken subsubsection!
- Horses , zebras, donkeys, giraffes. Equestrian!
- Fantasy horses: centaurs, unicorns, Pegasuses
- Monkeys, bears, and other sapiens (yes, missing links jokers go here)
- Animals with antlers, horns, and tusks
- Varmints - the small wild animals
- Reptiles, amphibians, sea creatures, shell fish, and others
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