Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Let's Play a Game

Want to play a game? I created a unique game using jokers from my collection. And my taxonomy.

Here's how it works. Here is a PDF of 64 jokers that I created. 

Basically, I created sets of four jokers. Sixteen sets of four. So 64. The game is to figure out the sets of four so that it comes out even.

The sets were shuffled together before I created the PDF. To play, you might want to print out the PDF. The prize is bragging rights.

The question is to define the criterion that defines each of the sixteen sets. 

 I can see why they are a set.  There are probably other criterion that could be used to organize them but it's unlikely that there is any other way to create 16 sets of four.

Try to define the 16 different characteristics that I have used to organize these jokers. 

Enjoy!  You can put your answer in the comments below.

First hint: It has nothing to do with color. So you can print them out in black and white to play.
Second hint: It has everything to do with the image of what is on the joker (not size or printing style or art style)

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Thanks for your input and for reading and thinking about jokers.