Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Joker Head Shots

These jokers are just the heads with no body or hands. In some cases, just the hat. Note that the clown head jokers  as distinct from joker or people head, now have their own section.

Clownhead - as I call this next joker - is an Arrrco joker out of Chicago.

In some, the head has gone missing and there's just a hat. But I left them in this section. Soon, they’ll have their own section.

I'll mention at this mid point in the post that the joker category of "Busts or Heads" has four subcategories.
 And each of these subcategories now has its own post:
Here are some exotic heads... 

The next three pages are Aug 2021 updates with maybe some overlap with others.

Notice anything special about the jester heads below? I’ll give you a hint, focus on the top row. If you can’t figure it out, I’ll explain it below the picture.

Reversed! Got it yet? Look at the top row above, middle joker, the top of the hat. It falls to the left whereas all the others fall to the right!!! Incredible,,right?

The top row of jokers are from a contemporary Bicycle deck called Arch Angels.

Just hats.

I'll end this post by reviewing that the joker category of "Busts or Heads" has four subcategories.

 And each of these subcategories now has its own post:

 There are admittedly head shots which don't end up in this section. For examples, there's masks, art, dogs and cats, horses, cartoon characters, topsy turvy, and clowns,  Want to better understand the categories, check out the Joker Taxonomy Article which reveals ALL.

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Thanks for your input and for reading and thinking about jokers.