Saturday, January 8, 2022

Jester Heads

These are jesters  heads. No hands and no body. There are other related sections such as those jester heads with hands or heads that are not jesters. There is also a clown head section.  Find an extended list of related sections with links and explanations at the bottom of this article. . 

Related Busts and Heads Sections...  <add clarifying picture of heads, hats, heads with hands etc>

This section gets the JESTER but not the CLOWN heads, they could be confused.

<insert picture to clarify difference between clown and jester heads. ie hat shape. makeup etc  - link to clown section>

Jesters on a Stick: Jack in the Boxes

This article has pictures of jesters on a stick and jack in the box jokers.

Heads with hands (not holding cards or a wand)

This article features  heads with hands.
If they are holding cards or a jesters wand, it's another section.
If they don't have hands, another section.
At the bottom of this section, there's a list with links to these related sections

Related sections:

Heads (Not jesters nor clowns and no hands)

These head shots have no hands nor do they feature jesters or clowns.

Want to see others in related areas?

Joker hats

These jokers feature hats including crowns and helmets. The hat jokers use to be tucked into the heads section.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Jokers heads with hands holding cards

The old “Joker heads with hands but no wands” section is now split into two. In this new subsection, the hands are holding cards. In other sections, their hands hold neither wands nor cards but often they have a finger aside the nose.

Here are the ensemble shots: front and back.