Friday, October 12, 2012

Jokers Collected

I have learned to use my flat bed scanner with a little more dexterity so for the first time, here are some higher quality scans of my playing card jokers.  Enjoy.  There is no particular organization to them in that they are just some loose joker playing cards that are around my desk, they are not organized into albums the way that that previous entries were.  But, in another decade or so, I should be retired and have all the time that I want to get them organized!  ;->
Hoops Joker (fill in the blank
with whomever after a bad game)
Playing Cards - M&M Joker

Card Joker - Perhaps Mexican?

Scary Joker

Joker - Topsy Turvy Style

A Joker with Balls

Bicycle Joker in color!

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Thanks for your input and for reading and thinking about jokers.